10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 27)

6. The Rock Liked Juventud Guerrera's 'Juice' Gimmick

Juventud Guerrera

Wrestling has had some great impersonation gimmicks over the years. Jay Lethal's "Ric Flair" in TNA was a highlight, and so was Charlie Haas' hilarious run as everyone from 'The Great Charli' (Great Khali) to 'Charlito' (Carlito). Nobody talks about Juventud Guerrera's sprint as 'The Juice' in WCW with quite the same merriment.

Oh well, at least The Rock found it funny.

Juvi revealed to The Hannibal TV that Dwayne Johnson once waited to grab a word with him. Both were on a connecting flight to Miami, and The Rock wanted to ensure Guerrera that his borderline rip off gimmick didn't bother him one bit. He waited 20 minutes outside the plane to pull Juvi to the side and compliment his promo-lifting work.

Guerrera wasn't so sure that he wasn't going to take a Rock Bottom on the tarmac. He was nervous about what Rocky might think, and ended up taking an age to get off the flight. Those nerves turned to happiness when Juvi heard that the man he was aping actually appreciated what he was doing.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.