10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 27)

5. Becoming 'King' Is One Of Xavier Woods' Main Goals

Xavier Woods King

If you're a staunch New Day fan, you can file this away as reason #1,256 to hate Baron Corbin.

Only kidding, but he's achieved something that Xavier Woods wants more than most. Kofi Kingston told on the CBS Sports State Of Combat podcast that his pal Xavier dreams of one day becoming WWE's King Of The Ring winner. That, according to Kofi, sits atop the mountain of aspirations Woods has for his career.

Woods' childlike ambition is one reason why Kingston refuses to complain about how his WWE Title run ended at the hands of Brock Lesnar. Despite jobbing in less than 10 seconds on SmackDown's FOX debut, Kofi lived his dream as WWE Champ for six months. That isn't lost on him, and neither is Xavier's humble wishlist.

'King' Xavier has a neat ring to it. If Woods does become KOTR though, WWE should resist the urge to break New Day up. Those boys could make the royal gimmick work as part of their pre-existing act. If you can get pancakes over, you can get anything over.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.