10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 27)

4. Who Booker T Thinks Is WWE's Most Underrated Ever

Booker T Christian TNA

Some wrestlers were deemed "too small" to become the man in WWE, and others lacked the "it factor" required to become Vince McMahon's favourite. Then, there was Christian, a guy Vinnie Mac outright dissed by calling ugly. Sorry, "ratty" looking.

Booker T could care less about physical appearance (and, as everyone not-named Vincent Kennedy McMahon knows, there's actually nothing wrong with Christian's face). To him, Christian must be considered WWE's most underrated superstar ever. Yes, ever.

During a Q&A session on WWE Backstage, Book said his friend was reliable inside the ring and even more helpful outside it. He was someone you could count on to look out for the roster on the road, and that made him valuable beyond what happened in-ring. Christian was a team player who loved to laugh and enjoyed being a friendly face to anyone who needed advice.

Take that, Vince.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.