10 Wrestling Facts We Didnt Know Last Week (Dec 28)

2. WCW Didn't Plan Goldberg's Streak Until Approx 50 Matches In

Goldberg Wcw 1999

Along with Sting's turn from colourful babyface to monochrome 'Crow' and the rise of the nWo, Bill Goldberg's undefeated streak stands proudly as one of WCW's crowning achievements. Very much unlike the Stinger and the nWo ideas though, his winning run was total happenstance. In fact, WCW didn't even realise what they had on their hands at first.

Just ask Eric Bischoff, the man responsible for throwing Bill onto TV before he could really wrestle.

On The Sarah O'Connell Show, Bischoff said Goldberg's winning streak was a bit of an accident. He could only work short matches due to the fact he was still training at the Power Plant, and the easiest thing to do was have him mow down all competition. By the time that streak reached "40 or 50 matches", WCW cottoned on.

The whole thing was a coincidence rather than design. The first quarter of the 173-0 streak was, by Bischoff's own admission, something they didn't exactly focus on creatively. It was only when someone realised the numbers that Bisch and company decided to make it Bill's main angle.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.