10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 16)

7. Rusev's First Meeting With Goldberg Was Fraught

Rusev Goldberg

WWE conference calls can be a bit empty at times. Talent often keep things close to their chests rather than giving their true feelings, and there's always a thread of kayfabe running through the entire conversation. Rusev's call this week was a little different, and he was only too happy to openly discuss topics like his newfound babyface success or meeting Goldberg for the first time.

According to Rusev, Goldberg didn't even make eye contact when shaking his hand. That irked the Bulgarian to the point of feeling a bit disappointed that Bill didn't seem to care who he was. It wasn't until they worked a segment together on Raw that Goldberg warmed up to Rusev and treated him like an equal.

In fairness to Bill, he probably had a lot of different people to meet during his comeback. That didn't matter to Rusev however, because he felt slighted by Goldberg looking past him and not having the courtesy to make eye contact.

Didn't Bill know it was Rusev Day?


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