10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 16)

6. Titus O'Neil Helped Apollo Crews More Than People Know

apollo crews titus

Groans were almost audible when WWE put Apollo Crews with Titus O'Neil and had the former Prime Time Player act as his manager.

The 'Titus Worldwide' alliance has grown to include Dana Brooke, but it seemed at first like just another short-lived idea WWE would grow bored of. As much as there's still a chance it will, Crews is loving the opportunity to work with O'Neil, and not just because it's getting him on TV every week.

During an interview with Planeta Wrestling, Apollo explained that Titus has been something of a mentor to him since he moved from NXT to the main roster. Backstage, O'Neil took an immediate liking to Crews and wanted to shine a spotlight on his natural charisma.

Apollo said Titus took him aside and told him that WWE is about more than just wrestling, it's a place where people have to show they have personality. That was the first time Crews had been lectured this way since signing, and he appreciated that O'Neil cared.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.