10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 22)

2. Eric Bischoff Almost Faked His Own Death In WCW

Eric Bischoff

Buff Bagwell told some podcasts recently that Eric Bischoff wanted him to fake his own death in WCW and become a ghost who'd haunt the rest of the roster. On his own '83 Week's show, Bischoff didn't deny that story, but said the actual angle was a little bit different.

It was Eric who'd fake his own demise, not Buff.

Before one of the Halloween Havoc shows (neither man could remember which), Bischoff was going to stage a mock plane crash and then show up unannounced on the pay-per-view. Get this: he didn't even clue his wife in on what was happening. That would've been quite the nasty surprise for Mrs. Bisch.

Eventually, Eric realised that he couldn't keep the storyline a secret from everybody. WCW was a publicly held company, and so he had to tell Turner chief Harvey Schiller about his plan. Harvey immediately shut the idea down, and it never happened.

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