10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 22)

5. Ronda Rousey Told Becky Lynch To Legit Hit Her

Becky Lynch Ronda Rousey Charlotte

Considering Ronda Rousey once made a living by being punched full-force in the chops, that sub-heading shouldn't come as much of a surprise. This is pro wrestling though, where things aren't really supposed to hurt too much. So much for that. At Elimination Chamber, Ronda told Becky Lynch to bring it.

The Wrestling Observer picked this story up from one of their sources, and they said Becky was under strict orders to lay it in last Sunday.

That's why those crutch shots looked so real. They were. There's no news on whether or not Charlotte Flair took the same beating as Rousey, but we do now know that Ronda was checked for a concussion after the segment and had to get stitches due to a cut on her elbow.

She also had a cut on her head but didn't require stitches for it, according to the Observer. Maybe she'll think twice before asking 'The Man' to stiff the crap out of her again.

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Ronda Rousey
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