10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (July 12)

5. The Young Bucks Warned Cody About That Chair Shot

Shawn Spears Cody Rhodes Chair

"More on that in a bit" meant "it's coming up in the next entry", folks.

The gimmicked chair shot Cody Rhodes took to the head at AEW's Fyter Fest ended up being nasty. The weapon, which was supposed to crumble when it struck his noggin, ended up cutting him on the back of the head. That got the internet talking, and it's not something many were pleased with, gimmick or not.

The Young Bucks weren't fans of it either. They told Chris Van Vliet during a sit-down interview that they warned Cody before the show about his plans. "This is going to be a big thing", they said, before being brushed off by an unconcerned Rhodes. Post-shot, The Bucks were just glad their mate was alright.

AEW bigwig Tony Khan was similarly worried the stunt had jumped headfirst into waters he isn't comfortable about swimming in. The Bucks told Van Vliet that he was "pretty upset" about the whole ordeal afterwards and won't allow anything like it again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.