10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (July 14)

5. Shawn Michaels Told Daniel Bryan To Learn From John Cena

Daniel Bryan Yes

Daniel Bryan's on screen character is well-known for shouting "Yes! Yes! Yes!" over and over again. According to Bryan's comments to Gorilla Position recently, he's also developed a worrying habit of doing the same behind the scenes whenever WWE creative approach him with ideas he traditionally wouldn't have been keen on.

It seems Daniel's confidence levels are still building their way back up after his return to the ring earlier this year.

When discussing this, Bryan told a story about a conversation he had with Shawn Michaels during his first run. Looking to show his old student how to conduct himself as a top guy backstage, Michaels instructed Daniel to look at the hard-headed way John Cena dealt with the writers when they weren't seeing his point of view.

Cena, when presented something he thought was rough around the edges, would go out of his way to improve the story being told or tweak a promo. That's something HBK recommended Bryan do, because it'd help him build respect rather than (somewhat ironically) becoming a yes man.

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