10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (July 14)

4. MVP Hated His WWE Entrance Theme


MVP's WWE theme was awesome. The end.

Pinned down by self-centred lyrics like, "I'm coming! Nobody could stop, ain't nobody could hold me, ain't nobody control me," savvy references (like those to The Matrix; "I'm the one like Neo") and the character's ties to sports, the song also had a snappy clock-ticking intro.

When he first heard the thing, MVP shook his head, picked up his phone and told WWE that he hated it.

Things worsened when Vince McMahon called MVP out into the arena, played his theme over the PA system and started dancing along badly. MVP told Chris Van Vliet that, right then and there, he decided that the song was terrible and would do nothing for his credibility.

He's still not a fan to this day, and thinks WWE's lame music choice never helped him from day one. That's slightly harsh, because the intro, memorable lyrics and catchy beat of the track are instantly recognisable. Maybe it was just Vince's dance moves that put him off.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.