10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 21)

2. Vince McMahon Thought Lance Storm Was Dead

Lance Storm

Poor Lance Storm.

The former ECW, WCW and WWE star opened up on Twitter to share a bizarre story about Vince McMahon's sorrow upon hearing Storm had passed away. According to Lance, Dave Meltzer told him how Vince had left a voice message on his answering machine one day asking about Storm's death.

Meltzer was confused, because Lance definitely wasn't dead, and it was only then that the Wrestling Observer chief realised Wikipedia had reported it. Twice. That's the issue with open-ended encyclopaedic entries people can edit for a rib online. Later, Vince left a second voicemail when he realised it was actually Lance Cade who had sadly passed.

Storm posted this recollection on his Twitter account, and said that he and Meltzer wondered collectively what had caused McMahon to call about him. Lance theorised that it had something to do with a fear over drug use wrecking the industry. What a weird story.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.