10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 23)

3. Arn Anderson Told Buff Bagwell He'd Regret That Name

Buff Bagwell

"I'm Buff, I'm the stuff and the girls just can't get enough" was Buff Bagwell's main catchphrase throughout his WCW run. Renaming himself from Marcus Alexander Bagwell upon joining the nWo in 1996, the guy was stoked with his new title. That's when Arn Anderson pulled Buff aside with a little friendly warning.

Pointing out that Bagwell wouldn't always be in such tremendous physical condition, Anderson said Buff would regret picking that name someday. Telling WZ Daily all about this conversation, Bagwell says it's one he has never forgotten, because it rings true now he's an older guy finding it difficult to maintain his impressive body.

Buff is set to retire from active wrestling in 2018, and the chat he had with Anderson over 20 years ago is the reason. Bagwell doesn't want fans to remember him as an older guy who can't live up to his name, which is why he feels the time is right to step away from the spotlight.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.