10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 4)

7. The Big Show Is Completely At Peace With His WWE Role

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At the moment, WWE seem driven to consistently bombard fans with the idea that the company is in a 'New Era'. Older fans will remember the 'New Generation' concept from the mid-1990's, which seems eerily similar to this marketing ploy. It's one that means more veteran performers are being phased out.

Amongst those with less emphasis placed on them is The Big Show, who returned to television on the most recent episode of Monday Night Raw. Show didn't wrestle, he simply gave Apollo Crews some friendly advice backstage before shuffling off. That was the extent of his role on the program, but Show himself claims he's more than cool with that.

Talking with The Miami Herald to promote upcoming WWE events, the longtime company stalwart says he doesn't feel the need to constantly be in the spotlight anymore. In fact, he's happy to lend his words of experience to those looking to make a splash in the promotion going forward.

Throughout the interview, it seemed like Show wouldn't be too concerned if his in-ring career was all but over, because he has nothing left to prove.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.