10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 4)

3. Brad Maddox Wishes He Could Redo All Of His WWE Promos

goldberg wwe

It's far from uncommon for ex-employees to wax lyrical about how difficult a system WWE have built for their talent. Obviously, it's easy to do once outside of the company, but simply bashing WWE wasn't the crux of a Brad Maddox interview on the Pancakes and Powerslams Show this week.

Fired in late-2015 for comments made during an errant promo, Maddox refrained from outright slating the promotion. Instead, he opened eyes by saying he would like to redo every single promo her ever performed whilst under contract. In other words, he's not a fan of the heavy scripting WWE favour for verbal segments.

Acting as the General Manager of Monday Night Raw for a spell between July, 2013 until May, 2014, Maddox says he was repeatedly handed lengthy scripts to learn for his on-air skits. Looking back, he doesn't feel he was put in a great position, often having to learn the wording in just a few hours.

When asking if he had to recite the script word for word, he was told that Vince McMahon had written it that way, so that was the way WWE expected it to be recanted.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.