10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 9)

1. Vince McMahon Hated Hulk Hogan's War Bonnet

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Remember when Hulk Hogan nonsensically started wearing a Spartan helmet in 1989? Coloured with his patented red and yellow, the 'war bonnet' also had a fist thrusting forward on the top. Even 'Lord' Alfred Hayes couldn't stop looking at the thing during promos, all the while likely wondering what Hulk was thinking.

Hayes wouldn't be alone though, because Vince McMahon apparently despised the helmet. Bruce Prichard revealed this during the latest episode of his 'Something To Wrestle With' podcast, and also claimed that Vince told Hogan to stop wearing it.

Over time, the Hulkster did abandon hopes of being the WWF's answer to a Roman warrior, but not before smashing heels like Ted DiBiase with the head gear post-match. Prichard laughed as he recalled McMahon moaning about the helmet and repeatedly telling Hulk he had to throw it away.

What other big wrestling facts did you learn this week? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.