10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Mar 4)

8. Pete Gas Used To Hang Out At The McMahon Family Home With Vince

Longtime WWE fans may remember the Mean Street Posse, a short-lived faction which acted as on-screen backup for Shane McMahon. The story surrounding Pete Gas, Joey Abs and Rodney was pretty simple; they were said to be childhood friends of Shane who he had drafted in as bodyguards in 1999, as he was preparing to face X-Pac at WrestleMania. A lot of people may be forgiven for believing this was little more than storyline fluff, an excuse to get some new faces on the roster and gain a rub from working with a McMahon. There was an element of that, yes, but the quartet did actually know one another away from the ring. Indeed, Gas especially was a close friend of Shane and routinely visited the McMahon family household. Telling Rolling Stone about the relationship, Gas also stated that he would regularly watch football with Vince McMahon, eat dinners prepared by Linda and even hang out with a young Stephanie. This was before he launched his career in the then-WWF, and Gas remarked that he always had fun when Shane was around.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.