10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (March 30)

2. Big E Pitched A Postal Worker Gimmick To WWE

Big E Langston NXT Champion

Dive into the WWE Network archives and you'll see gimmicks based on real jobs like Duke 'Dumpster' Droese (garbage man), Big Boss Man (former corrections officer), Irwin R. Schyster (tax collector) and the awful T.L Hopper (plumber).

Had Big E's plans not been shot down, we may have been able to add Mel Mann (postal worker) to that list. Or perhaps Special Delivery Langston?

The New Day's dancing muscle man posted on Twitter recently and told of his very first pitch to WWE creative around nine years ago. Before becoming Big E. Langston and selling his real-life passion for powerlifting, he wanted to carry a delivery bag and pretend to be a US mail man. "Mel Mann", get it?

Not surprisingly, WWE creative knocked E back and said they'd come up with something else for him instead. That's a good thing too. As Mann, E surely wouldn't have become one of the longest-reigning Tag-Team Champions in company history.

He's delivered big time as part of New Day.

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The New Day
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