10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (May 12)

9. Becoming Intercontinental Champ Is A Personal Goal For Sheamus

sheamus cesaro

A former WWE, World Heavyweight, United States and Tag-Team Champion, there isn't much Sheamus hasn't achieved in terms of winning titles. An interview with the Singapore Times revealed the former King Of The Ring and Royal Rumble winner did have one other personal goal he hopes to smash sooner rather than later.

Sheamus has never been WWE Intercontinental Champion. That belt has now come over to the Raw brand with Dean Ambrose though, meaning there's a fair chance the big Irishman will get his pasty mitts on the secondary strap at some point.

Teaming with Cesaro has turned into a success for Sheamus, but he will return to being a singles wrestler at some point. When he does, the Intercontinental Title is one he wants to win, probably because he grew up during an era (the late-1980s and into the 90s) when that belt was treated like a workhorse title.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.