10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (May 5)

8. Triple H Told Justin Roberts He 'Didn't Have Enough Experience' To Make Suggestions

Justin Roberts Bio

Justin Roberts was a throwback to old ring announcers like Howard Finkel and Gary Michael Cappetta during his time in WWE. Speaking with Ring Rust Radio, the former WWE employee said that he routinely made suggestions behind the scenes about things he believed the company could be doing to make broadcasts much slicker.

At one point, an irritated Triple H outright told Justin that his thoughts weren't welcome due to his comparative lack of experience in wrestling compared to the creative team. That only confused Roberts, especially when watching WWE deliberately hire writers from outside the wrestling bubble with no real knowledge of the product.

Pointing out several things he believed were "broken" and wanting to help fix them, the ring announcer was repeatedly shot down throughout his tenure with the promotion and didn't think Triple H's criticism of his experience was relevant when he only wished to help.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.