10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (May 5)

9. Stephanie McMahon Doesn't Know When She's Returning To Raw

Triple H Stephanie McMahon Seth Rollins WrestleMania 33

After being accidentally knocked off the ring apron by her husband Triple H and sent crashing through a ringside table at WrestleMania, it doesn't look like Stephanie McMahon will be returning to Monday Night Raw any time soon.

The WWE return of Kurt Angle as the brand's new General Manager should also keep Stephanie off television for a while, and she told The National during a brand new interview this week that she has no idea when she'll be making an on screen comeback.

In between all the usual fluff that can be expected from McMahon's chats with the media, it was interesting to hear her claim that a return date hasn't been set; the table bump was a perfect way to write her out of things for a while too, because it's realistic that Stephanie wouldn't recover quickly.

As things stand, WWE haven't yet made plans for her to waltz back onto Raw and resume her Commissioner role.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.