10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (May 5)

5. The Lack Of A WWE Return Still Bothers Ken Shamrock

Ken Shamrock

Read any wrestling magazines from late-1999 onwards and it's easy to spot news stories linking Ken Shamrock with a WWF/WWE return. Injured towards the end of his run with the promotion, the UFC-inspired character Shamrock played wouldn't be seen in WWE again during the new millennium.

That's still something which bothers Shamrock, at least according to his words during a chat with The Hannibal TV recently.

Ken said he would love to ask Vince McMahon why he was never welcomed back under the WWE umbrella; unsure what he did wrong, Shamrock can't figure out why he hasn't been contacted about a return even when others who have burned bridges or fled for WCW have been rehired.

It clearly baffles Shamrock to be on the outside looking in all these years later. Still bitter over never returning to WWE, the former 'World's Most Dangerous Man' believes he is owed an explanation by McMahon.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.