10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Oct 13)

7. Finn Bálor Realises His Promos Need To Improve

Finn Balor

Despite comments on social media claiming otherwise, the ongoing saga involving Finn Bálor, Bray Wyatt and the mysterious Sister Abigail character is not the 'dumbest' angle WWE have ever produced. Are people suddenly forgetting Katie Vick, or the fact that Papa Shango once made The Ultimate Warrior vomit green goo?

Whilst the storyline is far-fetched and cartoonish, it's also a chance for Bálor to improve his promo skills, and that's exactly how the Irishman is viewing the feud. Speaking on the In This Corner podcast, Finn admitted that his verbal chops aren't the best and claimed he's never really been too comfortable speaking for longer than a few seconds.

Bálor also brings up a solid point about his career. He's done almost everything wrestling-related at this point, so why shouldn't he enjoy doing something a little bit more out there? The Wyatt/Abigail drama is giving Finn the chance to improve himself, and that can only be considered a positive.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.