10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Oct 20)

8. Kevin Nash Thought His 2011 WWE Run Was About Setting An Example Backstage

CM Punk, Kevin Nash

Few could believe it when Kevin Nash ambled onto the scene at SummerSlam 2011 and attacked CM Punk. It seemed like a weird idea to take Punk (who was red hot following his 'Pipebomb' promo months earlier) and put him in a feud with someone who didn't fit his in-ring style. To Nash though, his on screen role wasn't as important to WWE as his backstage one.

Telling Sean Waltman all about his experience on the X-Pac 1, 2, 360 podcast, Nash said he believed WWE hired him to bring a little camaraderie back on the road. A lot of top wrestlers had started using their own private tour buses, so Nash thought his role was to set an example and take things back to how they once were.

Days after having this conversation with Triple H, Nash was pulled aside by 'The Game' and told he shouldn't be trying to change the way WWE stars now operate. This confused the big man, because he had been under the impression Triple H hired him to do exactly that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.