10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sept 8, 2017)

3. Shawn Michaels Helped The 'Fake' Razor Ramon Punch Like Scott Hall

Fake Razor Ramon

The 'return' of Razor Ramon to the WWF in late-1996 will forever go down in history as one of the worst creative decisions the company ever made. Casting Rick Bognar as Razor and expecting him to follow Scott Hall was stupid, but people often forget that working for the WWF was a huge deal for Bognar. That had been his childhood dream.

Backstage though, Rick was worried that Hall's old pals like Shawn Michaels would either ignore him or treat him badly. Shockingly, Michaels (who was good friends with the original and travelled with Hall as part of The Kliq) even took time out of his own busy schedule to try and help Bognar acclimatise to the Razor character.

On the Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling podcast, Bognar revealed that HBK took him aside and helped teach him how to punch like Hall had as Razor Ramon. This isn't something Shawn had to do, and it wasn't exactly far-fetched of Bognar to believe the tempestuous Michaels would hate his guts.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.