10 Wrestling Finishing Moves That Are Genuinely HORRIBLE

3. Diving Headbutt

Daniel Garcia Orange Cassidy piledriver

When it comes to protecting oneself, nothing is a higher priority than the head. Although the human body can take a tremendous amount of damage, a single punch or kick to the skull can spell disaster. Focus on health and safety has increased dramatically in sports entertainment recently, which is why wrestling moves to the head (including chair strikes) have been reined in, revised, or banned altogether.

That's why it's no surprise the Diving Headbutt is perceived with such infamy. For this move, the wrestler leaps from the top turnbuckle, landing cranium-first on their opponent.

Because the move looks phoney if executed improperly, it's crucial for both wrestlers to get their heads as close together as possible, which is why there's always a chance the two noggins can collide for real. Headbutting someone from two inches away can result in severe harm. Headbutting a wrestler while flying 10ft in the air can irreparable damage.

Ironically, the Diving Headbutt is statistically more dangerous for the deliverer than the receiver. Wrestlers like Harley Race, the Dynamite Kid, and Daniel Bryan have suffered spinal problems, seizures, and brain lesions, all of which were attributed to this barbaric finisher.

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