10 Wrestling Gimmick Matches That Only Happened Once

5. Biker Chain Match

Dean Ambrose Asylum

The Undertaker's gimmick matches, like the man himself, tend to stick around longer than normal. The Casket Match, for example, has become a staple of WWE pay-per-views over the last 20 or so years (though he wasn't strictly the inventor), with Buried Alive wheeled out every now and then too.

But the Biker Chain match - in which he faced Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at No Mercy 2003 - has only gotten one airing, a consequence of the fact that Big Evil was soon to undergo yet another radical image change.

Since he hasn't returned to his biker guise since (and, all things considered, probably won't be doing so any time soon), there's been no occasion for him to start attacking an opponent with motorcycle paraphernalia.

It's not really a huge miss either. Like all on-a-pole matches, this one was soured somewhat by its inherent lack of suspense. You know that neither competitor can go for a pin until they've actually pulled down the object in question, and that once they have it's probably not going to be long before the final bell.
