10 Wrestling Gimmick Matches That Only Happened Once

3. Good Housekeeping Match

Dean Ambrose Asylum

Another variant on the Street Fight, the Good Housekeeping Match was essentially a bout in which competitors were permitted to use "weapons" typically found in one's kitchen, such as an ironing board and a broomstick.

This match, so say online reports, was dreamed up by Vince McMahon as a way to humiliate WCW-bound Jeff Jarrett in one of his final appearances in WWE. He would be beaten up by Chyna, robbed of his Intercontinental Championship, and sent on his way.

And, to give them their due, this wasn't a complete disaster. It actually made for pretty entertaining viewing, not least of all when Jarrett appeared to win the title after nailing his opponent with the title belt, only for the ref to rule that it didn't qualify as a "household object".

Given that this was how WWE heads last bid adieu to the future TNA co-founder, it seems almost incredible that they are now preparing to induct him into their Hall of Fame. Wrestling, so we have come to accept, is pretty weird sometimes.
