10 Wrestling Gimmicks That Failed Before They Started

9. Max Moon

Billed as a wrestler "from outer space," Max Moon (Paul Diamond) was one of the most ill-conceived gimmicks in wrestling history, which should be obvious to just about anyone with even the most fleeting knowledge of the business. Not surprisingly, he lasted just a few months in the WWE, from fall 92 to February 93. Looking like MegaMan with one of the most ridiculous get-ups to ever grace the professional wrestling world, the biggest surprise about Max Moon is that anyone in creative ever thought it could work. However, the entire Max Moon debacle did perhaps save the career of a more notable wrestler: the gimmick wasn't even intended for Diamond - it was instead supposed to be Konnan in the costume, but he left the company following a dispute. So the WWE recruited the most suitable replacement they could find, a.k.a. the first person they came across who fit the costume. While Moon was a flop from the get-go (even with a costume that included fireworks shooting out the arms), he does have an interesting place in WWE history: he lost an Intercontinental Title bout to Shawn Michaels on the very first Monday Night RAW.
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.