10 Wrestling Heels That Were Pure Chickensh*t

4. Bobby Hennan

10 Wrestling Heels That Were Pure Chickensh T

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan didn’t earn the nickname shouting multiple-choice trivia at his TV. He was one of the best minds in professional wrestling, often being described as the greatest wrestling manager of all time, and his Heenan Family stable, in its various incarnations, was active from 1974 to 1993.

The Family established themselves in WWE by targeting the beloved Hulk Hogan. This was ultimately unsuccessful. His breakthrough came with the Family’s first championship. At WrestleMania V, Heenan managed “Ravishing" Rick Rude to an Intercontinental Championship win over The Ultimate Warrior. Heenan tripped Warrior and held his leg while Rude pinned his foe.

Heenan possessed all the great heel qualities. He was great on the mic, had an amazing mind for the business, could rile up a crowd. However, more than any heel, he perfected the heel tactic of using a human shield. He became a legend by hiding behind others, even if he did occasionally get roughed up too. Wimpy heels have long since utilised his tactic on a smaller scale, having a few fellow heels to hide behind rather than a whole family tree.

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Sami Zayn
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.