10 Wrestling Legends PG Fans Should Know (But Probably Don't)

2. William Regal

Many of the younger fans of the WWE that have subscriptions to the WWE Network know William Regal as the NXT general manager, but it seems like the younger generation doesn't realize exactly how good Regal was prior to his time on NXT and his impact on the industry. As a talent, Regal was under rated for years and his well documented start into the business while fighting on the carnival circuit in England was the start of an extremely influential career. Regal took the British style he learned in the early 80s and imported it to the United States a decade later to sign with WCW. Regal brought an intensity to the UK style and always had a sense of realism to his matches. Regal signed with the WWE in 1998, but the substance problems that he detailed in his autobiography led to his release and he took the next few years to improve the health problems. However, Regal got his career on track during his run on the main WWE roster when he won several titles during the span of just a few years. Regal could have certainly been a main event heel at the time, even if it was a short angle to get one of the "good guy" champions over, but it didn't happen. Ultimately, Regal was a top notch technician that could make his opponents look good in the ring and that's probably why he works with the young talent at NXT today.

Jim Lamotta hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.