10 Wrestling Matches So Brutal Promoters STOPPED Them Early

2. New Jack vs. William ‘Hunter’ Lane (Independents)

New Jack VICE

If there’s one thing that rings true in wrestling, it’s not to mess with New Jack.

If you ever required proof look to the Mass Transit Incident in ECW where he beat the untrained rookie almost to death, or XPW where he nearly killed Vic Grimes in a scaffold match by tasering him and sending crashing 40 feet below. New Jack earned the reputation as someone not to cross in wrestling.

So it’s shocking that anyone would throw stiff shots his way, but that’s what Jack has claimed wrestler William ‘Hunter’ Lane did in a match on the independents. In return, Jack pulled out a metal blade from his ring gear and began stabbing Lane. Organizers for the event interjected and immediately stopped the match, with New Jack being arrested shortly afterwards for aggravated assault to commit murder.

It was widely circulated that New Jack stabbed Lane 16 times, with Jack’s defence only being that he stabbed him 9 times. Lane ended up visiting Jack in prison, claiming he would drop charges if he brought him on the road with him and turn the stabbing into an angle. Only in wrestling would a wrestler legitimately get stabbed over and over again and right away start trying to turn it into an angle to draw money.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.