10 Wrestling Matches Which Quickened Edge's Retirement
3. Edge Vs. Jeff Hardy (Extreme Rules 2009)

By the time 2009 came around, there was a sense that Edge and Jeff Hardy had long-since exhausted their bank of ideas for ladder-based matches. That didn't stop them from contesting a great scrap, but a lot of the bumps and spots were noticeably recycled from previous altercations.
Just a few months before he'd injure his Achilles tendon against the same man (ironically in the relative safety of a straight singles clash), Edge looked in visible pain as he stormed his way through a TLC Match at Extreme Rules 2009. There's a very good chance that the excitement of working with someone he had experience with allowed adrenaline to push him through the contest.
Both men actually fell through a ladder, breaking it with their bodies in one notable major spot. The death-defying antics were thankfully kept to a minimum, which actually helped the match in general. By the end, Edge looked like he had been through the wars, taking an RKO/Diamond Cutter style move from Hardy in mid-air as he went for a Spear likely didn't help.
At this juncture, it was looking more and more like Edge didn't have too many of these daredevil-style bouts left in him.