10 Wrestling Matches Which Scarred A Wrestler For Life

8. Cody Rhodes - AEW Championship Match Vs. Chris Jericho

Cesaro No Mercy

It's pretty safe to say that Cody Rhodes hasn't exactly done things by halves during his fledgling AEW career.

Taking brutal chair shots to the head, moonsaulting off the top of cages and even allowing MJF to whip his f*cking back have all shown exactly how far the 'American Nightmare' is willing to go to produce iconic moments in the middle of the squared circle.

Yet, this constant desire to push his body to its absolute limit led to his face being altered for good during his AEW World Championship match with Chris Jericho at Full Gear in 2019.

With 'Le Champion' outside of the ring, Cody decided to risk it all and throw himself over the top rope. But, instead of landing on Jericho or even a softer part of his anatomy, the AEW Executive Vice President dropped straight onto his face.

A serious cut then opened up above his right eye and the blood began to pour down his face. Ever the pro, he managed to make it through the rest of the match - though MJF eventually added salt to the wound like only he can - but Cody has been left with a very visible facial scar from this gruesome botched dive.

Cody and the 'Demogod' hilariously now have this in common, as Jericho was left with his own facial battle scar after being head-butted by Jon Moxley during their Revolution weigh-in.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...