10 Wrestling Matches Which Scarred A Wrestler For Life

7. Cesaro - Raw Tag Team Championship Match Vs. Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose

Cesaro No Mercy

It's remarkable just how rare it is for a professional wrestler to lose or damage their teeth mid-match.

Let's not forget, these performers regularly find themselves being kicked or punched in the face and thrown head-first into objects. Admittedly, the majority of these shots and moves aren't performed with the intention of legitimately hurting a co-worker, but accidents can happen. Which is something Cesaro knows all too well.

In the midst of a Raw Tag Team Championship match at No Mercy 2017 which involved The Bar battling Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, Cesaro was sent flying into the top of the steel ring post. Instead of pulling back just as his head was about to slam into the metal, though, Cesaro's mouth collided with the post and his front teeth were soon missing from his Swiss smile.

Though many initially thought his teeth had been lost forever, they were actually just lodged into his gums - which is arguably more horrific.

After successful dental surgery, the 'Swiss Superman' was then forced to wear a brace for two years.

Though his teeth may have healed, you'll never find Cesaro performing without a gum shield again as this injury clearly taught him an important life lesson; you should never take your teeth for granted... or allow yourself to be flung head-first into a ring post.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...