10 Wrestling Matches Which Scarred A Wrestler For Life

6. William Regal - Vs. Belfast Bruiser

Cesaro No Mercy

Though William Regal may be known as one of the greatest technical performers of his generation, he definitely wasn't above the odd straight-up fight during his career and one particularly bruising affair left him with a life-long scar on his eyelid.

Taking on the wrestler who'd later be known as Finlay in WWE, the then-Steven Regal went to war with his Irish rival at WCW Uncensored in 1996.

However, the match was abruptly cut short after the Belfast Bruiser caught the British star with a nasty right hand which looked a little bit too authentic at a glance. This proved to be the case as Regal's eyelid was split open, nose was broken and cheek was fractured all in one brutal second.

The cut on his eyelid needed 12 stitches to close and the current NXT General Manager still has the scar today, which he confesses causes his eyelid to act up whenever the weather gets cold.

Regal's lip was also permanently scarred during a live event match with The Boogeyman (!) and he also has a nice scar on his ear from a battle with Dean Ambrose in FCW.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...