10 Wrestling Matches Which Scarred A Wrestler For Life

5. Finn Bálor - Universal Championship Match Vs. Seth Rollins

Cesaro No Mercy

Finn Bálor may not have suffered a gruesome cut or seriously split his head open during his Universal Championship match with Seth Rollins at SummerSlam 2016, but the bout was definitely responsible for scarring him for life.

As the pair began to take things up a notch, Bálor was buckle-bombed straight into the barricade and it was clear something wasn't quite right from that moment on.

Sure enough, the former NXT Champion had seriously injured his shoulder and would be forced to relinquish the belt he won on the night. After initially expecting to be out for around three months, during Bálor's surgery it was revealed that he'd actually done more damage than was originally thought. Along with his torn labrum, the Irish star had suffered a torn bicep, a torn pec and a fracture to the glenoid neck socket which meant he'd eventually spend six hours on the operating table instead of the expected 40 minutes. He'd also end up on the sidelines for over seven months.

Once the surgery was complete, Bálor was left with a very visible scar on his right shoulder and sent right to the back of the Universal title queue. This injury not only scarred the performer physically, but it also appeared to affect his place on the main roster as he was rarely put in such a position of prominence again during his time on RAW and SmackDown.

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