10 Wrestling Matches Which Scarred A Wrestler For Life

4. Jon Moxley - Barbed Wire Match Vs. Drake Younger

Cesaro No Mercy

Anyone who is aware of Jon Moxley's history as a particularly extreme individual will know the current AEW World Champion experienced a decent amount of carnage in the ring before becoming Dean Ambrose in WWE.

However, it may come as a surprise to hear that current NXT referee Drake Wuertz was actually part of the match which left the fearless wrestler with some of his most horrific scars.

Back in 2009, the pair were involved in a 'No Ropes Barbed Wire Death match' in Germany and as you'd probably expect, the match left its mark on the competitors. Drake Younger - as he was known then - and Moxley were tangled up so badly in barbed wire at one point in the contest, that the bout had to be stopped.

As Wuertz recalls, "I think he may have just rolled over and pinned me. There was so much barbed wire everywhere. We were frozen, and tried not to make sudden movements because we were afraid to get lacerated terribly."

Though Wuertz is no stranger to battle scars, it was Moxley who came out of this match with the gory badge of honour as he was left with two large scars on his back and arm. That being said, this still didn't stop Mox wrestling again the very next night.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...