10 Wrestling Matches Which Scarred A Wrestler For Life

3. Tyson Kidd - Dark Match Vs. Samoa Joe

Cesaro No Mercy

Like Finn Bálor, the match which led to Tyson Kidd being scarred for life didn't involve the talented Canadian slicing open his body during an ridiculously extreme encounter. Instead his life was forever changed due to one botched move in the closing stages of a match which was thrown together at the last minute in 2015.

It was decided late in the day that Samoa Joe would face Kidd in a dark match. However, the pair had never spent any time together in the ring before this. Unfortunately, the lack of time to work on the bout meant that Kidd wasn't fully aware of what he needed to do when taking Joe's finisher, the Muscle Buster.

Kidd ended up suffering a neck injury which only 5% of people survive and 99% percent of those five are then left paralysed.

Incredibly, Kidd would recover from the injury, but his in-ring wrestling career was over and he was also left with a large scar down the back of his neck from the spinal fusion surgery. He would eventually transition into a producing role and despite admitting that he will always wonder what could have been, the former WWE Tag Team Champion has since said that he believes his legacy outside of the ring "is going to overshadow what (he) did in the ring."

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...