10 Wrestling Matches With Backstories You’ll NEVER Believe
6. Rikishi Vs. Kurt Angle
When: WWF King Of The Ring 2000
What Happened: This is just flat out disgusting, to be honest.
Kurt Angle was crowned the brand new King Of The Ring in 2000, and he must've been buzzing. First, the Olympian had to hit the showers and wipe some of Rikishi's faeces off his face. That might be a slight exaggeration, but it's not a joke - the Too Cool member pranked Kurt with his famous "stinkface" spot.
Rikishi admitted after the match that he’d gone to the bathroom beforehand and decided not to wipe. In other words, that “stinkface” he gave Kurt was 100% real. Angle almost hurled (understandably), but said he found the prank pretty funny on his podcast just a year or so ago.
Kurt managed to soldier on despite having a 400-pound Samoan's crap-caked butt shoved right in his face live on pay-per-view. Apparently, this is a rib Rikishi used to play on workers every so often for a laugh. Hands up who'd find it funny.