10 Wrestling Matches You Wish Jim Ross Called

3. Brock Lesnar Vs. John Cena Vs. Seth Rollins - WWE Royal Rumble 2015

Jim Ross John Cena The Rock

One of Jim Ross's greatest strengths is translation. He could take the most ridiculous, insipid storylines and angles and frame them in a way that seemed a bit easier to swallow. Likewise, he could take the most brutal, violent matches and put them over as what they really were - dramatic contests between two or more grapplers. Just see the Hell in a Cell match between Undertaker and Mankind as an example.

When it comes to brutality - and chaos - there's little that rivals the amazing John Cena-Brock Lesnar-Seth Rollins triple threat match from last year's Royal Rumble. The bout was nonstop action and carnage, with suplexes aplenty, dives, weaponry, and constant battling. With nary a moment to catch his breath, J.R. would be just as winded as the wrestlers, and every bit as deserving of accolades.

The best moment for J.R. would probably be when Rollins took Lesnar out with an elbow drop from the turnbuckle through the announcers' table - something akin to "GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY, HE'S BROKEN IN HALF!" would be called for.

Then again, maybe fans would remember his call when Lesnar actually got back in the match - "HOW IS HE STILL WALKING?! HE'S NOT HUMAN!".


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013