10 Wrestling Moments Made Better With Hulk Hogan Erased

8. "Macho Man" Randy Savage Is The Huge WWF Name That First Jumps Ship To WCW

In retrospect, he idea that Eric Bischoff signed a wrestler who admitted to using anabolic steroids to a contract to appear in World Championship Wrestling as its babyface hero is insane. The fact that after Hogan signed to WCW and wrestled Ric Flair that WCW was still stuck spinning their wheels and having to sign MORE WWF talent until Hogan (the admitted steroid abuser) turned heel actually makes all of the sense in the world. The fact that Hulk Hogan didn't fade away from the limelight after the Zahorian trial is incredible. As well, the fact that Eric Bischoff didn't instead sign Randy Savage and immediately pair him with his ex-wife Miss Elizabeth is absolutely nuts. The pairing of Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart instead of Savage and Liz. A no-brainer, right? WCW had a ready-made feud on the table between Savage and Flair dating back to Wrestlemania VIII just two years prior. Savage also being the Slim Jim hypeman would've been helpful, as well as being still able to go in the ring and likely willing to do business with the likes of rising WCW talents like Brian Pillman and Steve Austin would've kept them in WCW, too. Erasing Hulk Hogan from the ticker tape parade at Disney and putting Savage and Elizabeth in that vehicle? 10,000 times the better decision.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.