10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

9. Sting’s WCW Rappel Act Precedes Disaster

WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 The Undertaker Fire Pyro

In 2004, Sting told Wrestling Epicenter that he almost suffered a similar fate to Owen Hart during his first few times rappelling from the rafters in WCW. Tragically, Owen fell to his death at the WWF's Over The Edge 1999 pay-per-view. Would that spot have ever happened had the Stinger fallen first?

It's doubtful.

According to Sting, he kept spinning wildly out of control during rehearsals for his first rappel, and he wasn't exactly confident about performing the stunt live. Eric Bischoff was sure he'd manage it - the boss wanted to see Sting fly down and fend off the villainous nWo. Fair enough, but Steve Borden was panicking. 

Worse, the first time he rappelled, technicians paused and realised the rope was set up the wrong way. They had to re-weave it through and re-rig things in a hurry, which could've ended very badly for everyone involved. Sting dropped from the top of the building without really knowing what he was doing.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.