10 Wrestling Old Timers Who Could Still Go In WWE

6. Rob Van Dam

Defying age, Rob Van Dam still looked every bit as impressive inside the ring during his 2014 WWE run as he did a decade ago. Previously in TNA, Van Dam had looked like pro wrestling was passing him by, but that turned out to be his own lack of belief in what was happening in the organisation. Returning for short runs in 2013 and 2014, RVD provoked big responses from WWE fans. There's really no reason why he couldn't do so again if he were to return in 2016. Fans would enjoy seeing him work against many of the regulars on the roster, and he'd be a nice bonus for those attending house shows. Better yet, Van Dam is someone who wouldn't be thrust into the spotlight undeservedly, he can still perform to a high level. Respected in Japan, he would be ideal if WWE decided to promote another WWE Network card like 'The Beast In The East'. Further to that point, he's someone a lot of current younger stars in WWE could learn from. Van Dam would be ideal for working in NXT, where he would enjoy tangling with up and coming, hungry talent.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.