10 Wrestling Old Timers Who Could Still Go In WWE

5. Goldberg

It was only when WCW (and eventually WWE) started pushing the idea of Bill Goldberg wrestling longer matches that cracks started to show. Goldberg was a killer, best suited to working short, explosive bouts which allowed him to work to his strengths. This was all fans wanted from the man, they didn't want protracted epics which disabled his ability to hide any weaknesses. In other words, people were aware of those drawbacks, but viewed Goldberg's upside as enjoyable enough to overlook them. Management wanted him to work for longer periods, which negated much of his overall aura and general appeal. At 49 years old, Goldberg probably couldn't work lengthy matches over a sustained period of time any longer anyway, which would make a WWE return ideal. There would still be a big reaction from live crowds if Goldberg turned up and hit his trademark Spear and Jack Hammer combination on a mid-level heel in the promotion. There would also be sufficient buzz on social media, because a lot of fans bombard the man with questions about a possible comeback.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.