10 Wrestling Romances That Ended In Disaster

5. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin & Debra

Jerry Lawler The Kat Breakup
WWE Network

Previously married to former Chicago Bears linebacker and sort-of pro wrestler Steve McMichael, Debra worked in WCW alongside her husband before making her way to the WWF after divorcing him in 1998.

Although the beginning of her tenure in WCW crossed with the end of Steve Austin's run with the company, it was in WWF that they began spending more time together, and the two married in Las Vegas in September 2000.

However, by early 2002 Austin began having serious creative issues with Vince McMahon, balking at losing to a returning Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania X8 and temporarily walking out on the company.

He’d do the same thing a couple of months later when told to do the job for Brock Lesnar, no-showing the RAW on 10 June. Debra, always much more on the valet side of the women's division in WWE, left with him.

Days after having walked out over losing his spot in the company, Austin attacked his wife, beating her about the head and back. The police were called, documenting her injuries: Austin was charged with assault and, pleading no contest, received a year's probation and 80 hours community service. It was the end of their marriage - and, chastened, Austin returned to WWE in 2003 shortly before the divorce was finalised.

In recent years, Debra has claimed that that was the third time that Austin had beaten her during their relationship, all with the knowledge of the company they worked for, who helped her cover up her bruises for television.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.