10 Wrestling Spots Nobody Does Anymore

2. 10 Punches In The Corner

Hulk Hogan The Ultimate Warrior

According to Bruce Prichard on his 'Something To Wrestle With' podcast, Vince McMahon doesn't like some spots that favour crowd participation. The WWE patriarch is decidedly against seeing one wrestler throw another in the corner, mount the ropes and punch 10 times as fans count along with him/her.


This explains why the '10 Punches In The Corner' routine has vanished. In typical fashion, other wrestlers outside the company followed suit and one of the 80s/90s most memorably interactive occurrences has fallen by the wayside, seemingly forever. There are some variations however.

Sheamus hits "10 beats of the bodhrán" on the ring apron, and Drew McIntyre likes counting down from three before removing someone's head with his Claymore Kick. They're modern takes on a former favourite that's sadly gone.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.