10 Wrestling Spots Nobody Does Anymore

3. The Failed Double Axe Handle

Ted DiBiase Randy Savage

Ted DiBiase loved being socked right in the "bread basket".

Think of this as a joint effort, because both moves examined have a lot in common. When was the last time you saw someone jump off the top rope towards a prone opponent only for that seemingly-unconscious wrestler to stick a boot right into the aggressor's jaw? Why was that person leaping through the air chin-first anyway?

Who knows. It's a mystery, one almost exactly like DiBiase's inbuilt need to take a fist to the gut and flip over like he'd been rugby-tackled in the legs. Ted hadn't; it was ridiculously over-the-top that he'd somersault rather than fall to his back or knees whenever a babyface would cut off his axe handle attempt, but man is it missed.

DiBiase's over sell was glorious at full speed. The concomitant yell of exasperation he'd let out as soon as the face made contact was also a thing of beauty. Please note, emerging, future wrestlers: More heels need to fail at doing simple things.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.