10 Wrestling Spots Nobody Does Anymore

1. 10 Turnbuckle Head Slams

Ted Dibiase Brutus Beefcake Wrestlemania 5

Same goes for this classic.

Turnbuckle slams must've been one of the easiest moves to take. Maybe that's why Ted DiBiase included them in nearly all of his matches (when he wasn't flipping over after being punched in the stomach, that is). They're barely part of pro wrestling in 2020 though, for whatever reason.

Perhaps today's worker has moved on, or perhaps they think fans wouldn't take the move seriously. Being driven head first into a cushioned turnbuckle pad isn't exactly the most painful thing, in fairness. If that's the sole reason, then fair play, but traditionalists surely couldn't imagine DiBiase's bouts without those 10 smacks into the corner.

They let fans have some fun, were easy ways to gauge whether people were actually invested in the action and just had a campy quality to them that's hard to match. Much like almost everything on this list, they also had the added advantage of saving a wrestler's body from unnecessary bumps.

What other wrestling spots are dying out? For more wrestling, check out 10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE No Way Out 2000 and 10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Rob Gronkowski!


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.