10 Wrestling Spots Nobody Does Anymore

4. Double Big Back Body Drops

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Commentators like Gorilla Monsoon, Vince McMahon and Tony Schiavone could often be heard screaming, "Biiiiiiiiig Back Body Drop" on broadcasts. That insane bump wrestlers would take, as they soared through the air and always seemed to tuck their heads at the last possible moment, was a dying art by the early-2000s.

Now, unless Ricochet is present and fancies reliving old spots, nobody does it.

This is principally true in tag-team matches, and (unlike the previous entry) has nothing to do with size. Back in the 80s and early-90s, The Rockers would regularly combine their efforts to flip larger opponents over their heads. It was a stunning visual, and it always whipped live crowds into a frenzy.

'Back Body Drops', if they do happen, have shed the 'Biiiiiiiig' accompaniment and aren't deployed during tags like they once were. Modern-day admirers of retro announcing, like Corey Graves and Mauro Ranallo, must be desperate to do their best Vinnie Mac.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.